We love to sprinkle children’s literature into everything we do and explore. This playful provocation is inspired by the storybook Chicka, Chicka 123 by Bill Martin Jr, Michael Sampson and Lois Ehlert. The story engages children with numbers on a giant apple tree. There are so many opportunities to practice counting skills in this story and explore number recognition as you go through the story.
This is a video of the Structured Autism Classroom at Jackson Elementary School which I created for a grant request by a student. It was videotaped by my daughter Becca, in December 2009, and shows the classroom structure, explains TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped CHildren) as and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) , the 3 criteria associated with the diagnosis of Autism, my classroom philosophy and my education.
Take a look at how to turn your mud kitchen area into a pumpkin inquiry for little learners, enriched with herbs and dried flowers. As it starts to get cooler in Chiangmai, the mornings are misty and the air is fresh. We asked each family to bring a pumpkin that the children helped pick. It could be big, small, orange, green, smooth or bumpy. Picking the right pumpkin is
This is a wonderful way to enrich your winter play at the mud kitchen outside. Snowman soup is inspired by the children’s picture walk story ‘The Snowman’ by
In this video, learn more about how play can foster children’s resilience to hardship, and how the complex interactions involved when children play help build their brains.
Early Childhood Education student Stacey chats about why she decided to study Early Childhood Teaching, why she decided to study at the School of Education at Edith Cowan University (ECU), her experiences on placement and how she balances working full-time while studying part-time
Reading books aloud to children is far better than just asking them to read them by themselves. this website has multiple books on different genres that are being read out to the viewers, these could be played out loud in classrooms, one in one session, with parents, and more.
Pre-school students can practice the skills of identifying colors and learn how these colors change when two are mixed together with this video from the Abracadabra series. Color-related vocabulary is stressed.
Build language, letter sounds and letter recognition with items around the house. Sensory bins also build social skills and cooperative play, read my post on All About Sensory Bins here and check out our favorite fillers. What will you add?
This website has basic flashcards on a variety of animals, shows and songs/rhymes (they can listen to these rhymes while looking at the flashcards as well!), they can be shown to them online or be printed out.