International Teachers Association

Activities with Autistic pupils using horses.

The Praya Pichai Army Hospital in Uttaradit/Thailand is supporting teaching autistic kids to gain confidence and physical education using horses.

Maybe other educational institutions could offer this too.

Autism Class at Jackson Elementary School

This is a video of the Structured Autism Classroom at Jackson Elementary School which I created for a grant request by a student. It was videotaped by my daughter Becca, in December 2009, and shows the classroom structure, explains TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped CHildren) as and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) , the 3 criteria associated with the diagnosis of Autism, my classroom philosophy and my education.


Autism Communication Tips

Helpful communication tips for family, friends and teachers about supporting children with Autism. Created by Sophia Cormack (Speech and Language therapist)