International Teachers Association

Learn Thai

Beginner, does not know any Thai or only a few words and can say hello, how are you, what is your name and my name is… and can understand a very basic conversation which is spoken slowly.

Intermediate, can follow a basic conversation, can ask questions, knows all the numbers and at least 1000 Thai words. Can read a simple written Thai book (kids book) and can also translate simple sentences and conversation. Knows basics of informal and formal Thai conversation and writing.

Advanced: Can speak fluently Thai and understands complex conversation. Is able to translate quickly from English to Thai and vice versa. Can read and write fluently and is able to follow complex context.

Gain an International Thai Language Qualification via ITA. The 3 Thai Online Courses and exams are free but if you would like to obtain an International Thai Language Certificate from  ITA, then a small fee of 29 USD is charged for each level.


Online course for beginners. Start slowly and teach yourself without time pressure. The Thai course is FREE OF CHARGE


Online course for intermediates. Start slowly and teach yourself without time pressure. 


Online course for Advanced. Start slowly and teach yourself without time pressure. Enjoy our advanced Thai course.